Proposed Reforms
We work in a range of ways to seek to promote reforms in regulation and regulatory practices. We write reports for international organisations such as the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, an association of the central banks of some 100 of the poorer nations; GIZ, the German development agency; or the Asian Development Bank. We write reports for more domestic organisations such as CPA Australia or the European Banking Institute. And we make submissions to government enquiries.
Details of all these efforts appear below.
- DA Zetzsche, RP Buckley, DW Arner and M Unterstell, ‘Study on Mixed-Activity Groups (MAGs)’ (Report commissioned by the European Commission, August 27, 2024) 1–79.
- RP Buckley and N Jevglevskaja, ‘Re: Docket No. CFPB–2023–0052: Submission on the Proposed Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights’ (Submission to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, US, December 2023).
- DW Arner, RP Buckley, DA Zetzsche and K Charamba, ‘Policy Framework on Developing a National Fintech Strategy: An Ecosystem Approach to Inclusive FinTech, Digital Economy, Financial Inclusion and the Sustainable Development Goals‘ (Lead consultants for Digital Financial Services Working Group, AFI, October 2023) 1–43.
- DW Arner, RP Buckley, AN Didenko and DA Zetzsche, ‘Ukraine, Sanctions and Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Weaponization of Digital Finance and the End of Global Monetary Hegemony?‘ (Asia Global Papers No 7, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong, January 2023) 1–55.
- DA Zetzsche, RP Buckley, DW Arner and MC van Ek, ‘Remaining regulatory challenges in digital finance and crypto-assets after MiCA‘ (Report submitted to the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), March 2023) 1–151.
- AN Didenko, ‘Decentralised Finance – A Policy Perspective‘ (Report, 2022) 1–44.
- DA Zetzsche, RP Buckley, DW Arner, J Nyman, L Ramos and J Moling, ‘Roadmap for Inclusive Green Finance (IGF) Implementation‘ (Special Report submitted to the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), September 2022) 1–9.
- A Dahdal, DW Arner, J Truby, RP Buckley and G Walker, ‘Submission to the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Qatar on the National Blockchain Blueprint for Qatar’ (Submission to the CRA of Qatar, September 2022) 1–11.
- DA Zetzsche, RP Buckley, DW Arner, J Nyman, L Ramos and J Moling, ‘Roadmap for Inclusive Green Finance (IGF) Implementation‘ (Special Report submitted to the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), September 2022) 1–9.
- ‘Submission on National Data Security Action Plan Discussion Paper‘ (Submission to the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs, jointly with UNSW Allens Hub, UNSW Institute for Cyber Security and UNSW Data Science Hub, 22 June 2022).
- DW Arner, RP Buckley, T Lammer, DA Zetzsche and S Gazi, ‘Building Regional Payment Areas: The Single Rule Book Approach‘ (BIS Working Paper No 1016, May 2022).
- RP Buckley and N Jevglevskaja, ‘Submission to the Review of the Consumer Data Right on How Australia Might Best Retain Its Global Lead in Consumer Data Sharing‘ (Submission to the Statutory Review of the Consumer Data Right, May 2022).
- AN Didenko, ‘Implications of the Consumer Data Right Framework for Trusted Advisers‘ (Report for CPA Australia, March 2022) 1–34.
- ‘Submission on the Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper (October 2021)‘ (Submission to the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department, jointly with UNSW Allens Hub, Deakin University Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation and IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology, 10 January 2022).
- DW Arner, RP Buckley, DA Zetzsche, K Charamba and A Sergeev, ‘A Principles-based Approach to the Governance of BigFintechs‘ (Technical Paper 3.3, December 2021).
- DW Arner, K Charamba, RP Buckley and DA Zetzsche, ‘Policy Framework on Developing a FinTech Strategy: An Ecosystem Approach to Digital Finance, Financial Inclusion and the UN Sustainable Development Goals’ (AFI Report, November 2021).
- AN Didenko and RP Buckley, ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies as a Potential Response to the Financial Inclusion Challenges of the Pacific: Risks and Opportunities‘ (Policy Brief for the Asian Development Bank, August 2021) 1–40.
- ‘Submission on Australia’s Cyber Security Regulations and Incentives‘ (as part of the Department of Home Affairs consultation on options for regulatory reforms and voluntary incentives to strengthen the cyber security of Australia’s digital economy, jointly with the UNSW Allens Hub, AUSCL, IFCYBER, 27 August 2021).
- AN Didenko, ‘Australia Needs a Better Model for Its Enhanced Fintech Sandbox’ (Submission to the Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre, 28 June 2021) 1–11.
- M Parasol, ‘Avoiding the Wholesale De-banking of Australian Cryptocurrency Exchanges’ (Submission to the Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre, June 2021) 1–14.
- DW Arner, RP Buckley, DA Zetzsche, EK Selga and R Consiglio, ‘Innovative Regulatory Approaches Toolkit’ (Toolkit for the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), March 2021) 1–45.
- RP Buckley, DW Arner, DA Zetzsche, AN Didenko and LJ van Romburg, ‘Blockchain and Central Bank Digital Currencies: Opportunities and Challenges for the Pacific’ (ADB Report, 16 November 2020).
- RP Buckley, E Avgouleas and DW Arner, ‘Three Decades of International Financial Crises: What Have We Learned and What Still Needs to be Done’ (ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 615, June 2020) 1–42.
- DA Zetzsche, DW Arner, RP Buckley and A Kaiser-Yücel, ‘Fintech Toolkit: Smart Regulatory and Market Approaches to Financial Technology Innovation’ (Report, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 1 April 2020) 1–61.
- AN Didenko and RP Buckley, ‘A Comparative Analysis of Policy Approaches to Encourage FinTech’ (Report for CPA Australia, 2020) 1–50.
- DW Arner, RP Buckley, DA Zetzsche, B Zhao, AN Didenko, C-Y Park and E Pashoska, ‘Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Assets: Policy and Regulatory Challenges in Asia’ (Report, Asian Development Bank, June 2019) 1–50.
- DA Zetzsche, DW Arner, RP Buckley and R Weber, ‘The Future of Data-Driven Finance and RegTech: Lessons from EU Big Bang II’ (Paper for the European Banking Institute, February 2019) 1–51.
- DW Arner, RP Buckley and DA Zetzsche, ‘FinTech for Financial Inclusion: A Framework for Digital Financial Transformation’ (Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) and G-24 Special Report, September 2018) 1–28.
- K Kemp, AN Didenko, L Malady and RP Buckley, ‘Submission on the APRA Discussion Paper on Licensing: A Phased Approach to Authorising New Entrants to the Banking Industry’ (Response to APRA’s consultation paper on phased approach to bank licensing, 30 November 2017) 1–12.