Current and Selected Foundational Research

Current Research

    • DW Arner, RP Buckley and DA Zetzsche, Building Open Finance (2024) Notre Dame Journal of International and Comparative Law (forthcoming).
    • DW Arner, RP Buckley, DA Zetzsche, BW Tang and LJ van Romburg, The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Finance in N Remolona (ed), The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Sector: Opportunities and Regulatory Developments (Edward Elgar, 2023) 294–319.
    • RP Buckley, D Arner, D Zetzsche, R Weber and M Trzecinski, ‘Technology, FinTech and Capital Markets: The EU Experience with Digital Transformation’ in Iris Chiu and Ian MacNeill (eds), Research Handbook on Capital Markets (Edward Elgar, 2022).
    • DW Arner, RP Buckley, K Charamba, A Sergeev and DA Zetzsche, BigTech and Platform Finance: Governing FinTech 4.0 for Sustainable Development (2022) 27(1) Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law 1–71. For a Chinese translation, see also Journal of Cyber and Information Law (a journal of the China Cyber and Information Law Society and Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS)).
    • AN Didenko and RP Buckley, ‘Cross-border Implications of Using Global Stablecoins and Sovereign Digital Currencies in International Payments’ in B Mercurio (ed), Empowering Transformation: Connectivity and Cross-Border Data Flows (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
    • DA Zetzsche, DW Arner and RP Buckley, Decentralized Finance (2020) 6(2) Journal of Financial Regulation 172–203.


Ross Buckley’s full CV can be found here.

Selected Foundational Research

This Laureate project grew out of research that commenced in 2013 and was funded by a series of research grants from the Centre for International Finance and Regulation and the Australian Research Council Linkage Projects scheme, in each case supported financially and in other invaluable ways by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

This section highlights some of the foundational research from 2013 to early 2020. This research underpins much of what we are doing today, and may be of interest to other scholars and practitioners. We produced much more research than what is reproduced here – these are the highlights.

This foundational research has been classified into the following categories – FinTech, RegTech, Cryptocurrency, Financial Inclusion, Mobile Money, Financial System Infrastructure, and Cybersecurity.

These classifications are of necessity a little arbitrary, and some articles could have appeared in a number of categories, but we hope this classification assists in directing readers to their areas of interest.

Attribution: metamorworks /
metamorworks /
Data-Driven Finance
Cryptocurrencies and Central Bank Digital Currencies
Panchenko Vladimir /
Financial Inclusion
Regulatory Sandboxes and Innovation Hubs
Infrastructure, Blockchain and Regulation Generally
LuckyStep /
Roadmaps and Toolkits for Regulators
Regulating Mobile Money
Cybersecurity in Financial Regulation
David Evison /